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For a full listing please refer to our YouTube libraries at www.bit.ly/ACBC-youtube or:
Sermons and services 2020-2021 - YouTube or https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKduCtOuz9RA_wwr8lA5Q9hlt7PxeyZVi
Sermons 2022 - YouTube or https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKduCtOuz9RCPfixIJ7B6qTzn6Yn7Bcw5
Chris continues to explore Colossians and draws attention to the character of false religion (verses 16-23) a) Special diets (v. 16) b) Rigid calendars (v. 16) c) Ritual humiliations (vv. 17, 23) d) Worshipping angels (v. 18) e) Imposing rules (v. 21)
Nigel encourages us to be Resistance Fighters against our spiritual enemy. We need to have resilience, conviction and a good leader. He cites some heroes from the past and to build a relationship with Jesus to allow Him to move in or lives.
David explores the scriptures to see that God made us in His image, but that we can celebrate the differences we have because we are One in Jesus
Farai gives a background to the true love as Jesus showed and asks what His example means for each of us
Forgiveness from Christ (Cols 2:13-15), in particular - He cancels our debt (vv. 13-14) - He defeats our enemies (v. 15) So this section of Colossians is all about Jesus giving us Freedom, Fulness, Forgiveness. Last time we looked at Freedom, Fulness, so this time we will dwell on Forgiveness
David takes a look at Nebuchadnezzar's Dream, draws parallels with our situation as we look forward from 2020. God is our FUTURE HOPE for 2021 and beyond
Chris shows that 1. Freedom through Christ (verse 8) • From Deceptive Philosophies • From Human Traditions • From Basic Principles • From Sin 2. Fullness in Christ (verses 9-12) • Who he is (vv. 9-10) • What it means (v. 10) • How it works (vv. 11-12) 3. Forgiveness from Christ (verses 13-15) • He cancels our debt (vv. 13-14) • He defeats our enemies (v. 15)
Terry takes a look at Acts 8 and considers the effect of scattering of the early disciples
As we celebrate harvest, we think of our wonderful creator God who sustains His creation, including us. We ask what our role is in sustaining the world
We praise the Father and Son but less often do we praise the Holy Spirit. It's the Spirit who enables us to praise, who puts power in us to changes us and is the seal of the promise of God. How close a friend is the Holy Spirit to us today?
This Sermon is the 2nd of two where we go through Nehemiah 6 and look at Nehemiah and Spiritual Warfare. This examines the 2nd two of the Four Attacks on him and sees how he successfully responds to them . Intimidation, Deception and Discouragement are weapons used to attack Nehemiah
David takes us to Acts 4 and we see the amazing response to work of the Holy Spirit as the believers shared their faith and possessions. How does this influence us in the days of Coronavirus?
Nigel takes us on a whistle stop tour of Habakkuk to explore our expectations of church and God's expectations of us. We certainly get more when we put more in - pray before church and continue in prayer afterwards. Thumbnail courtesy of Walk Thru The Bible
Nigel takes examples from Daniel to ask 'Who will you follow?'' Our choice is down to who we listen to, God or others. The encouragement is to keep going with God's revealed plan for us and be strong to say NO to distracting other voices
Andrew Smith compares God's wisdom and our wisdom, using Daniel as his example
Paul takes a look at Matthew 13 and links our thoughts to the smallness of Covid19 to the greatness of God who will hepl us overcome
Saheb Borgall brings a message to our chuch from India
Nigel shares thoughts on the need to break strongholds in our lives at our Home Groups
An edited recording from Zoom with Christine leading our worship and Nigel preaching on Commitment
An edited recording from our Zoom service led by Farai with David looking at church in these very different times